Hi there! My name is Paige Meredith Ray. 

My friends call me Paige and my adorable four-year old calls me, "mommy."
I have an inexplicable penchant for the sparkle emoji. ✨


I am a self-taught illustrator living and working in the beautiful Ozark hills of Northwest Arkansas. Days spent in the studio consist of making both digital art on my iPad and more traditional art with my absurdly large collection of watercolor, acrylic paint, gold foil, micron pens, color pencils, as well as another ridiculously massive collection of audiobooks. {Because I love getting lost in a story almost as much as I love making my own. And both at the same time are my happy place.} ✨

Most recently, I have taken up sewing, a skill I learned in childhood.
I am excited to share with others what I have come to see as an initially intimidating but genuinely confidence-giving creative challenge. {And the fact that the majority of the process happens without looking at a screen is life-giving in my current situation.}

Encouragement. ✨

That’s what I want to see more of in the world. To me, encouragement is the physical presence of love within a space. Encouragement makes the world better by reminding us that we each have a gift to with which to make the world sparkle. To put more encouragement into the world {whether through a reminder that you can stick on your computer or a class where you can explore your creativity} : that’s why I’m here. ✨

Another way I put more encouragement in the world is through the classes and workshops I teach.✨

“How so?" you ask. ✨

I’m of the opinion that everyone has creative energy inside them but self-criticism, perfectionism, and loads of other fear based feelings get in the way. My hope is that my classes allow people the space to recognize and back away from their judgey minds and grow closer to their inner creator who sees the beauty in simply creating.✨

Alongside my shop and my classes, I also create editorial illustrations, commissioned work, and am developing a surface design portfolio.

What about you? I’d love for you to reach out to me.

all images © Paige Meredith Ray 2012-2019